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依巴斯汀 硝酸益康唑

会员指数: 企业认证:  


所在地:广东 广州市







LGC是Laboratory of the Government Chemist的简称,中文名英国政府化学家实验室,是化学和生物计量、法医、诊断科学服务及标准物质


广州优瓦科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产、全球营销为一体的综合型高科技企业,凭借良好的信用、可靠的质量、快捷的物流与专业的服务,在行业内享有很高的声誉。现时代理以及独jia代理的 全球品牌已有40多个,业务遍及中国及海外多个国家和地区。

产品包括:标准品/对照品、参比制剂、高纯有机试剂、无机试剂、生化试剂、分析试剂、金属有机催化剂以及实验室仪器、耗材等 600,000余种产品,务求全面满足客户各种实验检测需求。其中,在分析标准品的业务上,优瓦科技长期占领着市场上的优势地位,除了能买到您想要的产品以外,我们还支持产品定制,以及有一批专业知识与应用经验丰富的工程师为用户提供完善的售前与售后服务。



LGC是Laboratory of the Government Chemist的简称,中文名英国政府化学家实验室,是化学和生物计量、法医、诊断科学服务及标准物质方面的市场领导者。作为LGC的重要分支,LGC标准品有限公司可为测量科学和实验室控制提供一系列产品和服务,包括标准物质分销、组织实验室水平测试(Proficiency Test,PT,也即能力测试)、药物杂质生产及提供特殊合成服务。
LGC杂质标准品    -----  英国政府化学家实验室(Laboratory of the Government Chemist,简称LGC)。

Ebastine  依巴斯汀 90729-43-4  
MM 0468.00 Ebastine   (A) 100 mg
MM 0490.02 Imp. A (EP): Diphenylmethanol (Benzhydrol)   (B) 100 mg
MM 0468.03 Imp. B (EP): 1-[4-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)phenyl]ethanone   (A) 100 mg
MM 0468.04 Imp. C (EP)  as Hydrochloride: 4-(Diphenyl-   (A) 100 mg
 methoxy)piperidine Hydrochloride    
MM 0468.05 Imp. D (EP): 1-[4-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)phenyl]-   (A) 100 mg
MM 0468.06 Imp. E (EP) as  Hydrogen Fumarate: 1-[4-(1,1-   (A) 100 mg
 piperidin-1-yl]butan-1-one Hydrogen Fumarate    
Econazole Nitrate  硝酸益康唑 24169-02-6  
MM 0524.00 Econazole Nitrate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0281.01 Imp. A (EP): (1RS)-1-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanol   (A) 100 mg
MM 0524.02 Imp. B (EP)  as Nitrate: (2RS)-2-[(4-Chlorobenzyl)oxy]-   (D) 100 mg
 2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl) ethanamine Nitrate    
MM 0524.03 Imp. C (EP)  as Chloride: 1-(4-Chlorobenzyl)-3-   (A) 100 mg
 phenyl)ethyl]imidazolium Chloride    
Enalapril Maleate   马来酸依那普利  76095-16-4  
MM 0010.00 Enalapril Maleate   (A) 100 mg
MM 0010.05 Imp. B (EP): (2S)-2-[[(1S)-1-(Ethoxycarbonyl)-   (A) 100 mg
 3-phenylpropyl]amino]propanoic Acid    
MM 0010.01 Imp. C (EP): (2S)-1-[(2S)-2-[[(1S)-1-Carboxy-   (D) 100 mg
 carboxylic Acid (Enalaprilat)    
MM 0010.06 Imp. D (EP): Ethyl (2S)-2-[(3S,8aS)-3-Methyl-1,4-dioxo-   (A) 100 mg
 (Enalapril diketopiperazine)    
MM 0015.02 Imp. I (EP): 1H-Imidazole (Imidazole)   (B) 100 mg
MM 0010.15 (2S)-2[[(1S)-1-(Ethoxycarbonyl)-3-phenylpropyl]amino]propanoic Acid Ethyl  Ester   (A) 100 mg
Enilconazole  烯菌灵 73790-28-0  
MM 0281.01 Imp. E (EP): (1RS)-1-(2,4-Dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)ethanol   (A) 100 mg
Enrofloxacin  恩诺沙星 93106-60-6  
MM 0395.00 Enrofloxacin   (A) 100 mg
MM 00018.01 Imp. A (EP): 7-Chloro-1-cyclo-   (A) 100 mg
 3-carboxylic Acid    
MM 0018.06 Imp. B (EP) as  Hydrochloride Monohydrate:   (A) 500 mg
 Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Monohydrate    
MM 0395.01 Imp.1-Cyclopropyl-7-(4-ethylpiperazin-1-yl)-4-C (EP) as  Hydrochloride:   (A) 100 mg
 oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic Acid    
 Hydrochloride (Desfluoroenrofloxacin    
MM 0018.04 Imp.4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylicG (EP): 7-[(2-Aminoethyl)amino]-1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-Acid   (D) 50 mg
MM 0395.07 Enrofloxacin N-Oxide Hydrochloride   (A) 100 mg
Entacapone  恩他卡朋 130929-57-6  
MM 1221.01 Imp. C (Pharmeuropa): 3,4-Dihydroxy-5-nitro-   (A) 100 mg
Ephedrine Hydrochloride  盐酸麻黄碱 50-98-6  
MM 0652.00 Ephedrine Hydrochloride [Drug Precursor]   (A) 500 mg
MM 2115.00 Imp. B (EP) as  Hydrochloride: Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride   (A) 500 mg
 [Drug  Precursor]    
Ephedrine Sulphate     
MM1147.00 Ephedrine Sulphate [Drug Precursor]   (A) 250 mg
Erdosteine   厄多司坦  84611-23-4  
MM 0544.00 Erdosteine   (A) 100 mg
MM 0544.01 2-Chloro-N-(2-oxotetrahydrothiophen-3-yl)acetamide   (A) 100 mg
Erythromycin  红霉素  114-07-8  
MM 0132.13 Imp. B (EP): N-Demethylerythromycin A   (D) 100 mg
MM 0132.10 Imp. E (EP): Erythromycin A Enol  Ether   (A) 50 mg
Esomeprazole Magnesium Trihydrate  埃索美拉唑镁(三水) 217087-09-7  
MM 0095.03 Imp. A (EP): 5-Methoxy-1H-benzimidazole-2-thiol   (A) 100 mg
MM 0095.04 Imp. B (EP): 2-[(RS)-[(3,5-Dimethylpyridin-   (A) 100 mg
MM 0095.06 Imp.3,5-dimethylpyridin-2-yl)methyl]-C (EP): 5-Methoxy-2-[[(4-methoxy-   (A) 100 mg
 sulphanyl]-1H-benzimidazole  (Ufiprazole)    
MM 0095.05 Imp.3,5-dimethylpyridin-2-yl)methyl]D (EP): 5-Methoxy-2-[[(4-methoxy-   (A) 100 mg
 -sulphonyl]-1H-benzimidazole (Omeprazole  Sulphone)    
MM 0095.07 Imp. E (EP): 4-Methoxy-2-[[(RS)-(5-methoxy-1H-   (A) 100 mg
 -sulphinyl]methyl]-3,5-dimethylpyridine 1-Oxide    
 (Omeprazole N-Oxide)    
Estradiol Benzoate  苯甲酸雌二醇 50-50-0  
MM 0301.00 Estradiol Benzoate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0300.00 Imp. A (EP) as Hemihydrate: Estradiol Hemihydrate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0301.02 Imp. C (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17?-diyl   (A) 100 mg
MM 0301.07 Imp. D (EP): 3-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17?-yl   (A) 100 mg
 Benzoate (Estradiol  17-Benzoate)    
MM 0301.03 Imp. E (EP): 17?-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-yl Benzoate   (C) 10 mg
 (17-epi-Estradiol Benzoate)    
MM 0301.08 Imp. G (EP): 17-Oxoestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-yl Benzoate   (A) 100 mg
 (Estrone Benzoate)    
MM 0278.01 Benzoic Acid   (B) 100 mg
Estradiol Enanthate  雌二醇庚酸酯 4956-37-0  
MM 0473.00 Estradiol Enanthate   (A) 100 mg
Estradiol Hemihydrate  雌二醇半水合物(炔雌醇杂质D) 35380-71-3  
MM 0300.00 Estradiol Hemihydrate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0282.00 Imp. A (EP): 3-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-one (Estrone)   (A) 500 mg
MM 0300.01 Imp. B (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17?-diol (17?-Estradiol;   (A) 100 mg
MM 0300.06 Imp. C (EP): 4-Methylestra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17?-diol   (A) 100 mg
MM 0300.02 Imp. D (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10),9(11)-tetraene-3,17β-diol   (D) 100 mg
MM 0300.03 6?-Hydroxyestradiol   (D) 50 mg
MM 0300.08 6-Ketoestradiol   (A) 100 mg
Estradiol Valerate  戊酸雌二醇 979-32-8  
MM 0209.00 Estradiol Valerate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0300.00 Imp. A (EP) as  Hemihydrate:Estradiol Hemihydrate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0209.06 Imp. B (EP): 17?-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3-yl   (A) 100 mg
 Pentanoate (Estradiol  3-Valerate)    
MM 0209.01 Imp. C (EP): 3-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10),9(11)-tetraen-17?-yl   (D) 100 mg
 Pentanoate (9,11-Didehydroestradiol  Valerate)    
MM 0209.07 Imp. D (EP): 3-Hydroxy-4-methylestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-   (D) 100 mg
 17?-yl Pentanoate    
 (4-Methylestradiol Valerate)    
MM 0209.02 Imp. E (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10)-trien-3,17?-diyl   (A) 100 mg
 Dipentanoate (Estradiol 3,17-Divalerate)    
MM 0209.04 Imp. F (EP): 3-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17?-yl Butanoate   (A) 100 mg
 (Estradiol Butyrate)    
MM 0209.03 17-epi-Estradiol Valerate (17?-Estradiol Valerate)   (D) 100 mg
Estramustine Sodium Phosphate  雌莫司汀 2998-57-4  
MM 0100.01 Estramustine   (D) 100 mg
MM 0100.02 17Bis3-{bis(2-chloro-?-17'?-   (D) 50 mg
 Disodium Salt    
Estriol  雌三醇 50-27-1  
MM 0130.00 Estriol   (A) 100 mg
MM 0130.06 Imp. A (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10),9(11)-tetraene-3,16?,17?-triol   (D) 100 mg
MM 0282.00 Imp. B (EP): 3-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-one (Estrone)   (A) 500 mg
MM 0130.01 Imp. C (EP): 3-Methoxyestra-1,3,5(10)-triene-16?,17?-diol   (D) 100 mg
 (Estriol 3-Methyl Ether)    
MM 0300.00 Imp. D (EP) as  Hemihydrate: Estradiol Hemihydrate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0130.05 Imp. E (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,16?,17?-triol   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.04 Imp. F (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,16?,17?-triol   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.03 Imp. G (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,16?,17?-triol   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.22 Imp. I (EP): 3-Hydroxy-17-oxa-D-homoestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17a-    on request
MM 0130.02 6?-Hydroxyestriol   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.14 Estriol 16,17-Diacetate   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.15 Estriol Triacetate   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.16 Estriol 3-Benzyl Ether   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.17 16-Oxoestradiol   (D) 100 mg
MM 0130.18 6-Oxoestriol   (D) 100 mg
Estrone  雌酚酮 53-16-7  
MM 0282.00 Estrone   (A) 500 mg
MM 0282.01 Estrone 3-Methyl Ether   (A) 100 mg
Ethacridine Lactate Monohydrate  乳酸依沙吖啶(一水物) 6402-23-9  
MM 0798.00 Ethacridine Lactate Monohydrate   (A) 250 mg
Ethinylestradiol   炔雌醇  57-63-6  
MM 0123.00 Ethinylestradiol   (A) 500 mg
MM 0123.02 Imp. B (EP): 19-Nor-17?-pregna-1,3,5(10),9(11)-tetraen-   (D) 50 mg
 20-yne-3,17-diol (9,11-Didehydroethinylestradiol)    
MM 0282.00 Imp. C (EP): 3-Hydroxyestra-1,3,5(10)-trien-17-one (Estrone)   (A) 500 mg
MM 0300.00 Imp. D (EP)  as Hemihydrate:   (A) 500 mg
 Estradiol Hemihydrate    
MM 0123.07 Imp. E (EP): 19-Nor-17?-pregna-   (D) 100 mg
MM 0123.06 Imp. F (EP): 19-Nor-17?-pregna-   (D) 25 mg
MM 0123.05 Imp. G (EP): 3,17-Dihydroxy-19-   (D) 100 mg
 (6-Oxoethinylestradiol, 6-Ketoethinylestradiol)    
 Imp. I (EP): 19-Nor-17?-pregna-    
MM 0123.08    (D) 50 mg
MM 0300.01 Imp. L (EP): Estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-   (A) 100 mg
 3,17?-diol (17?-Estradiol; 17-epi-Estradiol)    
Ethionamide  乙硫异烟胺 536-33-4  
MM 0845.00 Ethionamide   (A) 250 mg
MM 0845.01 Ethionamide Sulphoxide   (D) 100 mg
Ethosuximide  乙琥胺  77-67-8  
MM 0750.00 Ethosuximide   (A) 500 mg
Ethyl Parahydroxybenzoate  尼泊金乙酯 120-47-8  
MM 0498.00 Ethyl Parahydroxybenzoate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0498.05 Sodium Ethyl Parahydroxybenzoate   (A) 500 mg
MM 0045.01 Imp. A (EP): 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid   (B) 100 mg
MM 0431.00 Imp. B (EP): Methyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate   (A) 500 mg
 (Methyl Parahydroxybenzoate)    
MM 0432.00 Imp. C (EP): Propyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate (Propyl   (A) 500 mg
MM 0496.00 Imp. D (EP): Butyl 4-Hydroxybenzoate (Butyl   (A) 500 mg
Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride  嗎啡-3-乙醚 125-30-4  
MM 0037.00 Imp. B (EP) as  Hydrochloride Trihydrate: Morphine   (A) 250 mg
 Hydrochloride Trihydrate [Controlled Substance]    
MM 0280.00 Imp. B (EP) as  Hemisulphate Pentahemihydrate: Morphine   (A) 250 mg
 Hemisulphate Pentahemihydrate [Controlled Substance]    
MM 0004.00 Imp. C (EP) as  Monohydrate: Codeine Monohydrate   (A) 100 mg
 [Controlled Substance]    
MM 0442.00 Imp. C (EP) as  Phosphate Hemihydrate: Codeine   (A) 100 mg
 Phosphate Hemihydrate [Controlled Substance]    
Etilefrine Hydrochloride  盐酸依替福林 943-17-9  
MM 0035.00 Etilefrine Hydrochloride   (A) 500 mg
MM 0081.00 Imp.2-(methylamino)ethanolB (EP) as  Hydrochloride:Hydrochloride(1RS)-1-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)-   (A) 500 mg
 (Phenylephrine Hydrochloride)    
MM 0973.00 Imp. C (EP) as  Hydrochloride: (1RS)-2-Amino-   (A) 500 mg
 1-(3-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol Hydrochloride    
 (Norfenefrine Hydrochloride)    
MM 0035.05 Imp. E (EP): 1-(3-Hydroxyphenyl)ethanone  (3-Hydroxyacetophenone)   (C) 100 mg
MM 0035.06 Imp. F (EP): N-Benzylethanamine (Benzylethylamine)   (C) 100 mg
MM 0035.50 3-Benzoyloxyacetophenone   (A) 100 mg
MM 0035.51 3-Benzoyloxy-    on request
Etodolac  依托度酸 41340-25-4  
MM 0911.00 Etodolac   (A) 250 mg
MM 0911.01 Imp. A (EP): 2-[(1RS)-1-Ethyl-1,3,4,9-tetrahydro-   (A) 100 mg
 pyrano[3,4-b]indol-1-yl]acetic Acid (8-Desethyl    
MM 0911.02 Imp. B (EP): 2-[(1RS)-1-Ethyl-8-methyl-1,3,4,9-   (A) 100 mg
 tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b]indol-1-yl]acetic Acid    
 (8-Methyl Etodolac)    
MM 0911.03 Imp. C (EP): 2-[(1RS)-8-Ethyl-1-methyl-1,3,4,9-   (A) 100 mg
 tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b]indol-1-yl]acetic Acid    
 (1-Methyl Etodolac)    
MM 0911.06 Imp. F (EP): 2-[(1RS)-8-Ethyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-   (A) 100 mg
 Acid (1-Isopropyl Etodolac)    
MM 0911.07 Imp. G (EP): 2-[(1RS)-8-Ethyl-1-propyl-1,3,4,9-   (A) 100 mg
 tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b]indol-1-yl]acetic Acid    
 (1-Propyl Etodolac)    
MM 0911.08 Imp. H (EP): 2-(7-Ethylindol-3-yl)ethanol   (A) 100 mg
MM 0911.10 Imp. J (EP): (1RS)-1,8-Diethyl-1-methyl-1,3,4,9-   (A) 100 mg
 tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b]indole (Decarboxy    
MM 0911.11 Imp. K (EP): Methyl 2-[(1RS)-1,8-Diethyl-1,3,4,9-   (A) 100 mg
Etofenamate (Etodolac Methyl Ester)    
MM 0410.00 Imp. A (EP): 2-[[3-(Trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-amino]benzoic Acid   (A) 500 mg
 (Flufenamic Acid)    
MM 0105.02 Imp. B (EP): Butyl 2-[[3-(Trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-amino]benzoate   (A) 100 mg
 (Butyl Flufenamate)    
MM 0105.03 Imp. C (EP): N-Phenyl-3-(trifluoromethyl)aniline   (A) 100 mg
MM 0105.04 Imp. D (EP): 2,2'-Oxybis(ethylene)   (A) 100 mg
 Bis[2-[[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] amino]benzoate]    
MM 0105.05 Imp. E (EP): 2-(2-Butoxyethoxy)ethyl 2-[[3-   (A) 100 mg
MM 0105.06 Imp. F (EP): 2,2'-Oxydiethanol   (A) 100 mg
MM 0105.07 Imp. G (EP): 2-Hydroxyethyl   (A) 100 mg
MM 0105.08 Etofenamate Myristate   (A) 100 mg
MM 0105.09 Etofenamate Palmitate   (A) 100 mg
MM 0105.10 Etofenamate Stearate   (A) 100 mg
MM 0105.11 Triethylene Glycol Flufenamate   (A) 100 mg
Etofylline  BETA-羟基乙基茶碱 519-37-9  
MM 0603.00 Etofylline   (A) 500 mg



免责声明:以上所展示的[ 依巴斯汀 硝酸益康唑]信息由会员[广州优瓦科技有限公司]自行提供,内容的真实性、准确性和合法性由发布会员负责。


